Marine Pumps & Pump Replacement Parts

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Marine Pumps: The Lifeblood of Your Boat

Marine pumps are an important component of any boat, ensuring the smooth operation of various systems onboard. From lubricating equipment to heating, cooling, and cleaning, these pumps play a vital role in maintaining the overall performance and safety of your boat. At Fisheries Supply, we understand the importance of reliable marine pumps and offer a wide range of products from top brands such as Jabsco, Groco, Johnson Pumps or Shurflo.

Types of Marine Pumps

There are several types of pumps commonly used, each designed to serve a specific purpose.

These include:

Mechanical types

  • Centrifugal pumps: These pumps are widely used due to their versatility, simplicity, and efficiency. They are suitable for various tasks such as water circulation.
  • Reciprocating pumps: These pumps are known for their ability to handle high-pressure applications and are often used in systems that require precise control over fluid flow.
  • Gear pumps: Gear pumps are designed for high-flow applications and are commonly used in systems that require a consistent flow rate.
  • Vane pumps: Vane pumps are designed for low-flow applications and are often used in systems that require precise control over fluid flow and fuel or oil transfer.

Application types

  • Oil change pumps: Boat oil change pump is a handy tool that efficiently extracts used oil from boats, making oil changes simple and mess-free.
  • Fuel transfer pump: A fuel transfer pump is a portable and powerful device used to safely and efficiently transfer fuel between tanks or containers.
  • Fuel pump: A electric fuel pump is a vital component that draws fuel from the tank and delivers it under pressure to the engine's fuel injection system.
  • Bilge pump: Boat bilge pump is an essential device that removes excess water from a boat's bilge area, preventing potential flooding.
  • Marine water pump: A boat water pump is a component that circulates cooling water through a boat's engine to prevent overheating.
  • Live well pump: A livewell pump is a specialized marine pump designed to circulate and aerate water in a boat's live well, keeping bait or caught fish alive and healthy.

Choosing the Right Marine Pump

When selecting a marine pump, it is essential to consider several factors, including:
  • Pump Type: Different types of pumps have varying features, suitability for particular applications, and performance capabilities. Choose the appropriate pump type for your specific needs.
  • Flow rate: The flow rate of the pump should match the requirements of your system to ensure efficient operation.
  • Pressure capacity: The pressure capacity of the pump should be sufficient to handle the demands of your system.
  • Power source compatibility: Ensure the pump is compatible with your power source to avoid any potential issues.
  • Size: The size of the pump should be suitable for your system and the available space onboard.

Maintenance and Inspection

Regular maintenance and inspection are important to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your marine pumps. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
  • Monthly Inspections: Conduct regular inspections to identify any potential issues before they become major problems.
  • Quarterly Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance tasks such as cleaning and lubricating the pump to prevent wear and tear.
Browse our wide selection of pump hoses to complete your installation.