5-Wire Y-Connector for 2nd Station For Use With Automatic Main Switch -
These "Plug & Go" cables have factory installed connectors for easy system set-up. These Y-Connectors are used with 4- or 5-wire control cables when installing a second thruster remote control station.
The Side-Power website has helpful system set-up diagrams illustrating how components are selected and used in a variety of possible thruster installations.
When the webpage opens, select Side Power for the category, and select a "Type" of your choosing. "System Diagrams" will present you with a number of basic layouts for various thruster configurations - illustrating the parts you need for a complete system.
These diagrams also indicate where 5-wire cables are needed, and where 4-wire cables are used.
You might also find the "Type" named "Wiring Diagrams" helpful.
Regardless of the thruster system you are considering, the "Installation Manual" is an excellent reference. It illustrates many of the general factors and components needing consideration in any thruster installation, including placement of the tunnel, etc.
• 4-Wire Harnesses are used with manual main thruster power supply switches
• 5-Wire Harnesses are used with automatic main thruster power supply switches between the control panel(s) and the switches. 4-Wire cables are used between the automatic switch and the thruster itself. Please refer to the diagrams referenced above before purchasing your cables.